'Tangled' is Disney’s wonderful remake of the story of Rapunzel.

We love the story, the humor, the stunning animation — and the interaction between a young woman and an "older" guy.

Just how much older is Flynn Rider? Let's dig into the feature film ('Tangled') and the series ('Rapunzel’s Tangled Adventure') to set the record straight!

How Old Is Rapunzel?

We know from the beginning of the 2010 movie that Rapunzel is 17 years old. She is on the verge of her 18th birthday.

How Old Is Flynn Rider?

This isn't revealed in the film, but in the 3rd season of the series, Flynn turns 26. Assuming the series started immediately after the movie, and each season amounts to one year, then Flynn would've been 23 in the film — 5 years older than Rapunzel.

So What's With the Controversy? 

Some people have cited animators as well as writers of Tangled film to place Flynn Rider's age between 24 and 26. That doesn't line up with our math, but what's clear is that he is in his 20s.

Do you agree?  Let us know and find more Flynn Rider facts  on the blog!