Unique Things to Bring to Disney

7 Surprising Items to Pack

If you're heading to Disney World, you know the importance of a good packing list. Here are the unique items that you'll wish you packed!

1. Liquid IV

This is number one on our list for good reason. On our last trip we got  dehydrated on day 1. The remainder of our trip started each day chugging a bottle of water with Liquid IV — before coffee. It made a huge difference!

2. Epsom Salt Gel

Put this on your feet when you get back to the hotel and prop your feet up on a pillow for 15 minutes. You’ll thank us later.

3. Body Glide

Apply this to any body part (thighs, upper arms, back of armpits…anywhere!!)  to prevent chafing. We are all about prevention!

4. Diaper Rash Ointment

If you DO chafe, apply a generous amount of this ointment at the first sign of chafing. Keep it covered overnight and it should be significantly better by morning!

5. Sound Machine 

Bring a small sound machine or download a white noise app. This is especially handy if you're sharing a hotel room with kiddos!

6. Charging Power Strip

Most Disney hotel rooms have quite a few charging ports, but you may want bring at least one power strip for multiple guests' multiple devices.

7. Poo-Pourri

When you have a full hotel room for a week, toilet spray can make everyone much happier. Trust us on this one.

For 16 more unexpected things to pack for Disney, click the link below!