Beauty and the Beast is one of our favorite Disney princess movies. Well, let’s be honest – we love ALL the princess movies!
However, Beauty and the Beast holds a special place in our hearts because it is a part of our childhood. Beauty and the Beast was Katie’s favorite princess movie as a child (Jen’s was The Little Mermaid).
And as with all good Disney movies, it’s full of quotes worth remembering for one reason or another – maybe they’re funny, maybe they’re endearing or maybe they’re just downright ridiculous!
Today we’re going to share some of our favorite Gaston quotes!
Disney’s Beauty and the Beast
Released in 1991, Beauty and The Beast was Disney’s 30th animated feature film and truly was all the rage. We loved the music by Alan Menkin, the story, the comedy (Lumiere and Cogsworth are the best), and the beautiful animation.
The live action version of Beauty and the Beast came out in 2017. There was quite a bit of hype surrounding the release of the film and it did not disappoint!
Who is Gaston?
The villain of this animated movie is none other than Gaston LeGume, known simply as Gaston. Gaston is the most popular, sought after man in Belle’s village. Gaston is set on marrying Belle, the protagonist of our story.
Belle is a lover of books and keeps to herself. Gaston wants to marry Belle simply because he thinks her beauty is a perfect match for his handsomeness.
Gaston’s Characteristics
Gaston is arrogant, a bit of a chauvinist, and is determined to convince Belle to marry him no matter what. Gaston is a skilled hunter and marksman.
Throughout the movie we see Gaston expertly shooting game. Gaston also owns the town tavern, where he lives.
Even with these negative characteristics, Gaston is desired by many women in the town. Most notably, we see a set of triplets swooning after him. These triplets are called the Bimbettes and their names are Paulette, Laurette, and Claudette.
Gaston also has a sidekick, his buddy Lefou, who does whatever Gaston wants.
While Gaston is never really a likable character – he is the villain, after all – he often does provide some comic relief for the audience throughout the course of the film. This is the first time Disney gave this characteristic to one of the villains.
This comic relief piece gives Gaston a more likable feel, and while we never really cheer for him, we don’t despise him as much as some of the other classic Disney villains (such as Cruella de Vil).
Gaston eventually meets his demise at the Beast’s castle. Gaston storms the castle with the townspeople. They have a battle with the castle servants – Mrs Potts, Chip, the Wardrobe, Cogsworth, and Lumiere. Gaston tries to kill the Beast, and in a dramatic ending, Gaston ends up falling to his death.
Gaston’s Song
Gaston, LeFou and the townspeople sing the song “Gaston” after Belle rejects Gaston’s marriage proposal. The repeating phrase “no one [verb] like Gaston” became extremely popular!
In the live action movie Gaston leads “The Mob Song,” also known as “Kill The Beast.” This is the rallying song the townspeople sing on the way to…well…kill the beast.
The Best Gaston Quotes
The following Gaston quotes are from both the original animated film and the live action production. Enjoy!
1. [singing] “Here in town there’s only she, who is beautiful as me, so I’m making plans to woo and marry Belle!”
2. [singing] “I’m especially good at expectorating…”
3. “It’s not right for a woman to read. Soon she starts getting ideas, and thinking…”
4. “I’d like to thank you all for coming to my wedding. But first I’d better go in there and propose to the girl!”
5. [to his reflection] “You are the wildest, most gorgeous thing I’ve ever seen! Nobody deserves you…”
6. “It’s hero time!”
7. [singing] “I use antlers in all of my decorating!”
8. [singing] “As a specimen yes I’m intimidating.”
9. [singing] “When I was a lad I ate four dozen eggs every morning to help me get large! And now that I’m grown I eat five dozen eggs, so I’m roughly the size of a BARGE!”
10. “Were you in love with her, Beast? Did you honestly think she’d want you when she had someone like me?”
Photo Credit Alexis Larcy
11. “It’s over, Beast! Belle is mine!” (Fun Fact: it was originally “Time to die!” but they changed it to fit Belle back into the scene.)
12. “What’s the matter, Beast, too kind and gentle to fight back?”
13. [singing] “And every last inch of me’s covered in HAIR!”
14. [singing] “Screw your courage to the sticking place!”
15. “Take whatever booty you can find, but remember: the Beast is mine!”
16. Gaston: How can you read this? There’s no pictures!
Belle: Well, some people use their imagination.
17. [singing]
Gaston: Lefou, I’m afraid I’ve been thinking.
Lefou: A dangerous pastime.
Gaston: I know!
Gaston: This is the day your dreams come true.
Belle: What do you know about my dreams, Gaston?
Gaston: Plenty! Here, picture this: A rustic hunting lodge, my latest kill roasting on the fire, and my little wife massaging my feet, while the little ones play on the floor with the dogs. We’ll have six or seven.
Belle: Dogs?
Gaston: No, Belle! Strapping boys, like me!
Belle: Imagine that.
Gaston: And do you know who that little wife will be?
Belle: Let me think.
Gaston: You, Belle!
Belle: Gaston, I’m-I’m speechless. I really don’t know what to say.
Gaston: Say you’ll marry me!
Belle: I’m very sorry, Gaston but but I just don’t deserve you!
19. Gaston: If I didn’t know better, I’d think you had feelings for this monster.
Belle: He’s no monster Gaston. You are!
20. Belle: Gaston, you are positively primeval!
Gaston: Why, thank you, Belle! What would you say if you and I took a walk over to the tavern and took a look at my trophies?
21. “It’s like this: I’ve got my heart set on marrying Belle, but she needs a little persuasion.”
22. [singing]
Lefou, Gaston: No one plots like Gaston.
Gaston: Takes cheap shots like Gaston.
Lefou: Plans to persecute harmless crackpots like Gaston!
23. [singing] “Here in town there’s only she, who is beautiful as me! So I’m making plans to woo and marry Belle! “
24. “I’ll have Belle for my wife! Make no mistake about that!”
25. “That’s what makes Belle so appealing. She hasn’t made a fool of herself just to gain my favor. What would you call that?”
26. “A great hunter doesn’t waste his time on rabbits”
27. “There are no such things as beasts, or talking teacups, or… magic! But there are wolves, frostbite, and starvation.”
28. “Ah Lefou, you’re the best. How is it that no girl has snatched you up yet?”
29. “No, LeFou. It’s the ones who play hard to get that are always the sweetest prey.”
30. “Please, forgive me, old bean. That’s no way to talk to my future father-in-law, now is it?”
31. “Belle! Heard you had a little trouble with the headmaster. He never liked me, either. Can I give you a little advice about the villagers, though? They’re never going to trust the kind of change we’re trying to bring.”
32. “Maurice, it’s one thing to rave about your delusions. It’s another to accuse me of attempted murder.”
33. “Let me go! Let me go, please! Don’t hurt me! I’ll do anything! Anything”
34. [singing] Through the mist, through the wood, through the darkness and the shadows, it’s a nightmare but it’s one exciting ride.”
35. [singing] It’s a beast he’s got fangs razor sharp ones. Massive paws killer claws for the feast. Hear him roar, see him foam, but we’re not coming home ‘til he’s dead. Good and dead. Kill the beast!”
36. [singing] “Call it war, call it threat you can bet they all will follow – for in times like this they’ll do just as I say.”
37. “Belle, do you know what happens to spinsters in our village after their fathers die? They beg for scraps, like poor Agathe. This is our world, Belle. For simple folk like us, it doesn’t get any better.”
38. “We all admire your devotion to your father, but you’d say anything to free him. Your word is hardly proof.”
39. “Maybe you haven’t met the right man.”
40. “Have you ever seen the inside of a mad house, Maurice? You wouldn’t last a week. Just give me your daughter’s hand, and I’ll set you free.”
41. [singing] When I hunt I sneak up with my quiver, and beasts of the field say a prayer. First I carefully aim for the liver. Then I shoot from behind!
42. “When we return to the village, you will marry me, and the beast’s head will hang on our wall!”
43. “Maurice, it pains me to say this, but you’ve become a danger to yourself and others. No wonder Belle ran away. You need help, sir. A place to heal your troubled mind.”
44. “Belle, you know how loyal I am to your family, but your father has been making some unbelievable claims.”
Those are the most popular Gaston quotes and song lyrics! Our personal favorites are from the original animated movie and are anything from Gaston’s song. We also love the quote about Gaston not knowing how Belle can read books without pictures!
If you go to Walt Disney World you can meet Gaston! You can often find him outside of Gaston’s Tavern in Fantasyland. Gaston is one of the most popular non-princess characters to meet!
While he is no Prince Charming, he is extremely kind to children. Gaston definitely becomes his arrogant self when interacting with adults. He is quite funny and interacts fantastically with his fans.
Be sure to ask Gaston “will you mary me,” “what is the last book you read,” and “if you eat 5 dozen eggs for breakfast what do you eat for lunch?”
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